How Healthier You Can Ease Your Pain At Work.

December 25, 2019
Author: Wellness

Work takes up most part of the day leaving very little time for work-outs. But with more and more young professionals falling victim to stress-related health problems, it is about time you took up exercising, not just as a reason to shape up but firstly to stay healthy and alive! Stress is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium.

In other words, it’s an omnipresent part of life. A stressful event can trigger the “fight-or-flight” response, causing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol to surge through the body. A little bit of stress, known as “acute stress,” can be exciting—it keeps us active and alert. But long-term, or “chronic stress,” can have detrimental effects on health. You may not be able to control the stressors in your world, but you can alter your reaction to them.

Are you ready to note down some tips to help you get healthier at work? They are set as below.

In our constant need to be at someplace every time, elevators have practically replaced our two legs! Want to go to the next floor, take the elevator! But that’s not what you should do if you hope to stay healthy. Moreover climbing the stairs has been proven to help prevent heart diseases, so next time you wait for the elevator, just choose to walk up.

Sitting in front of a computer can take its toll on anyone, so it is but natural to reach for something to munch. But if you’re going to take care of your hunger pangs with oily, fattening food you would only be doing more harm to your body than you ever realize. 

However an empty stomach can also not help, so the next time you have the urge to eat, pick up healthy food. Fruits anyone?

Lack of sleep is another cause for concern. If you’re working late to make sure that you catch up on sleep whenever possible. Keep the movies and late-night-outs for the weekends. Think how energetic you’ll be the next day after a good night’s sleep and hopefully that should spur you on to catch some more winks.

Everyone has the tendency to ask others to get things or run errands for them. A common practice gives people fewer and fewer chances to walk around. Walking has always remained the best exercise, so next time you want to fill up water, get up and go do that yourself and hopefully, you’ll graduate to walking to the next bus stop someday!

Caffeine has always kept you alert but that shouldn’t keep you addicted. Surveys show that 70% of office-goers drink a lot of coffee at work and skip water when they’re thirsty. If you check your habits you’ll be surprised to notice that you’re one of the offenders too. Tea is relatively better, so next time you think of coffee, get tea, green tea, if possible. But whatever it is you choose to make sure you also drink lots of water; keeping a bottle at your desk will over time stop you from reaching for that steaming hot cup of coffee!

Nothing can be better than a gym at your workplace, but since that’s not an option everyone is provided with, join a gym close to work and start to religiously work out. If gaming is out of the question, then every once in a while take a break to walk around and stretch your muscles. If possible you could even work out during lunch breaks and eat soon after. It’s not necessary that you should run a marathon; a light walk around your building should do so, as long as you work towards increasing the repetitions over time.

But at the end of the day whatever it is that you choose to do, make sure it keeps you on your feet and not glued to your chair for eight to ten hours at a stretch, which can only get you fatter and make you unhealthy. Make it your maxim to drink lots of water, walk more and stay positive no matter what and it won't be long before you reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. As we all know a healthy mind can only reside in a healthy body.

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